Edward Arens was a pupil of Mrs. Eddy’s husband, Asa, and he eventually broke with the Eddys and went out on his own, starting by writing pamphlets that plagiarized Mrs. Eddy’s work to the point where she sued him for plagliarism and won. He is considered one of the founders of the New Thought movement, and it was Arens that taught the former P. P. Quimby patients, Julius and Annetta Dresser, when they returned from California to Boston in 1882.
Here is a look at most of the pamphlets and books of Arens:
The Understanding of Christianity, or God, and the Distinction Between Spirit and Matter, . . . by E.J. Arens. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, 1881.
This is the suppressed pamphlet mentioned above which was described by Mrs. Eddy in her 1896 article "Inklings Historic" in Mis., pp. 380-381. In April, 1883, Mrs. Eddy brought suit to prevent Arens from further distributing the pamphlet. About five months later, the court ruled in her favor and required Arens to pay her court costs. As Mrs. Eddy explained it in the above article, p. 381:
"A writ of injunction was issued under the seal of the said Court, restraining the defendant from directly or indirectly printing, publishing, selling, giving away, distributing, or in any way or manner disposing of, the enjoined pamphlet, on a penalty of ten thousand dollars.
The infringing books, to the number of thirty-eight hundred or thereabouts, were put under the edge of the knife, and their unlawful existence destroyed, in Boston, Massachusetts."
Mrs. Eddy made the following comment in her article “Mind-Healing History” in The Christian Science Journal, June, 1887: “[Arens] was fined the costs of court; and about four thousand of his pamphlets were destroyed in Boston, being chopped into pieces by the officers of the law.”
This is the same pamphlet described by Asa Gilbert Eddy in his notice entitled "To the Public" in volume one of the third edition of Science and Health (1881), pp. [vii]-xii.
Shortly after the above suit was filed, Arens came out with two new, revised pamphlets. In my collection are these two pamphlets, bibliographically described as follows:
- Christianity; or, the Understanding of God, and the Distinction Between Spirit and Matter as Applied to the Healing of the Sick. . . . by E.J. Arens. Boston: Caleb Rand, 1883.
- Theology: or, the Understanding of God, as Applied to the Healing of the Sick, . . . by E.J. Arens. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, 1883.
Also in the collection is a photostatic copy of Arens' own copy of his anonymous 1880 pamphlet entitled The Science of the Relation Between God and Man and the Distinction Between Spirit and Matter.
Other than in an unidentified list of rare Christian Science material for sale, which I found in the files of John Howell-Books, I have never seen the above suppressed pamphlet listed in any catalog. Since the pamphlet plagiarizes Mrs. Eddy's writings so closely, I believe it should be considered a variant edition of her writings. (On p. 214 of Clifford Smith's Historical Sketches (1992 edition), he mistakenly indicates that the suppressed edition was one of the 1883 pamphlets above.)
Included with the above pamphlets is a letter from Andrew McCance, the noted early book dealer who specialized in rare Christian Science material, to Allan A. Beauchamp, another dealer specializing in that material. The letter reads as follows:
"Boston, Mass., Dec --3, 1908
Mr. A.A. Beauchamp
New York
Dear Sir -- If your customer wants the "Arens pamphlets" he can have them without the one he already owns, but these being Arens own copies I thought they would have some interest on that account.
I bought both the copies of S&H at the last sale 1st edition $70.00 2nd at $55.00 [.] I should tell you however that I would have gone over the Century for the second edition and there was one other dealer had a bid for $100.00 so we decided to compromise[.]
Dont worry about me not asking enough for my Journals [.] I just filled up a set from Vol 12 to date at an average of 50 cts each[;] the prices I quoted you are not the prices I ask, by any means[.]
Very Truly Yours
[s] Andrew McCance"
Note: at that time, the Smith & McCance store was located at 38 Bromfield St. in Boston. (The 1875 edition of Science and Health was printed at 50 Bromfield St.) Later, Smith and McCance moved to their Ashburton Place address and then later to the third story of an address on Tremont Street. In the collection is a pamphlet that eulogized McCance after his death in 1939.
Hiram S. Crafts signature
The one book title in this archive of Arens material is the following:
- Old Theology In its Application to the Healing of the Sick, the Redemption of Man from the Bondage of Sin and Death, and his Restoration to an Everlasting Life, by E. J. Arens. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, 1884. Vol. I.
On the paste-down endpaper is the pencilled notation: "H.S. Crafts 1885 | March." Hiram S. Crafts was the first student taught by Mrs. Eddy in Christian Science, back in 1867. He thus plays an important role in Christian Science history. Included with the book is a photocopy of a Crafts signature from a letter in the Mary Baker Eddy Library.
I purchased this copy from the Rare Book Company. Later, when I visited the Rare Book Company they had Volumes I and II, priced at $75 if I recall, but I did not buy them. (The second volume was dated 1886.) Recently I was able to find a copy of the revised edition of the Volume I described as follows:
- Old Theology In its Application to the Healing of the Sick, the Redemption of Man from the Bondage of Sin and Death, and his Restoration to an Everlasting Life, by E. J. Arens. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, 1886. Volume I. Revised edition.
After 280 pages of text, the book has several pages of advertisements for books and pamphlets by Arens, including references to the University of the Science of Spirit. It mentioned that a Volume II of the book was in preparation, to be sold by subscription only and entitled Origin of Matter (a copy of which is not in the collection).
The last pamphlet in the collection is the following extraordinarily rare and little-known work:
- Old Theology Healing as Taught in the University of the Science of Spirit, by E. J. Arens. Boston: A.S. Arthur & Co., 1886. (This is a prospectus for his “University.” In it he compares his “Old Theology” teachings to Mrs. Eddy’s in Science and Health.)
Given below are images of some of the titles in the Arens collection of material, starting with a photograph of Arens and then images of the pamphlet that the court ordered “put under the edge of the knife” because it plagiarized Mrs. Eddy:

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