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Craig Beardsley

Thanks for the interesting post. I have a copy of the first issue of the Jennings book and don't recall seeing the second issue. Are the cancel leaves substitute leaves as McKerrow classified the most common form of cancels, or are they simply leaves that have been tipped in, or merely laid in?

Is Mrs. Eddy's interest in these two volumes, in conjuction with their scarcity (and therefore unknown to most Christian Scientists) the reason for your writing this post? Perhaps a future post might discuss the surprising number of volumes of poetry written in Mrs. Eddy's lifetime by prominent Christian Scientists, and the object of research might be whether Mrs. Eddy took a recorded personal interest in them. We know that was the case with James Terry White (Captive Memories); maybe we could investigate her exposure to E. Mary Ramsay's Verses, Charles Adolphus Murray's The Revelation of Christianus..., William P. McKenzie's Heartease Hymns, Carol Norton's Poems and Verses, and Willis Vernon Cole's Our Leader and Other Poems, for example.


Great bibliographic questions. As I recall the leaves are pasted in to stubs made after the prior leaves had been removed. I will have to check to see how McKerrow defines that.

My purpose in this post was to highlight some otherwise obscure books that were dedicated or addressed to Mrs. Eddy and that she had some connection with. She seemed to like the Jones book but she was not pleased with the other because it took so long, as I recall.

The idea of a post on the other poetical works that you mentioned would be interesting. Certainly the Captive Memories was close to Mrs. Eddy, as she supported it. I might do a post just on that book. As I recall she also gave out as a gift the Revelation of Christianus book to one or more people. The others I am not sure about in regard to her views about them.

Linda Bargmann

I've never seen "Fruits of the Spirit" but I'm fascinated by it, as the reason for the "Obnoxious books" by law. I've enjoyed going through all of the correspondence about the book and the bylaw at the Mary Baker Eddy Library. Also, the MBEL mentions the book in an article they did on copy books recently. They record that the poem "Constancy" was originally written in one of Eddy's copybooks with the title "To My Absent Husband." There are two versions in the same copybook, the second one with the heading "Written Feb 1856 during sickness." So, she did repeat it - first with no indication of when it was written and second in 1856. Less than three years into the marriage, she certainly could have been looking at Patterson's empty chair wishing he was there.
Maybe we'll never know the answer to that one...
Thanks for the discussion!


Thanks, Linda. I will try in the near future to post some information on "Constancy" as a published poem. That gives me an idea.

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